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MoveOn Calls for Chief Justice Roberts to Remove Justice Samuel Alito from All Supreme Court Cases Related to Trump’s Immunity Claims, 2020 Election

Thousands Join Petition After The New York Times Exposes Alito’s Support for ‘Stop the Steal’ Movement, Demonstrating Clear Partisan Political Bias

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In reaction to The New York Times’ report late yesterday that Justice Samuel Alito displayed an upside down flag outside of his home – a symbol in solidarity with the insurrectionist effort to overturn the 2020 election demonstrating a clear partisan bias – MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: 

“The only way to begin to restore any trust in the Supreme Court—and to ensure any semblance of a fair hearing on Trump’s baseless immunity claims—is for Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves, or be removed by Chief Justice Roberts.

“Justice Roberts’ failure to act – and allow these conflicts to go unchecked, has put the Supreme Court at its lowest public approval ever—with the public losing trust in the institution’s integrity and seeing it as the tool of a partisan right-wing agenda that it is. That’s why it shouldn’t surprise anyone that these partisan actors are overturning precedent and taking groundless cases to pursue an agenda that has undermined abortion rights, undone environmental regulations, and enriched and empowered corporations and billionaires.

“We also urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate these outrageous conflicts of interest immediately – and take action to hold corrupt or conflicted Justices accountable – including considering impeachment.”

“Our country and our democracy deserve better.”

100,000 people have signed onto this new MoveOn petition within an hour demanding that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito be recused from the case determining Trump’s claim of absolute immunity from prosecution over election interference and all other cases related to the 2020 election and January 6th insurrectionist attack on the Capitol.

Check out the MoveOn petition here.


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