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MoveOn Member Amos Lim Tells Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, ‘We Demand a Vote!’

We are just 18 votes away from being able to pass comprehensive immigration reform in the House.

It’s true: Despite Speaker John Boehner’s refusal to compromise, there is still one clear way to pass comprehensive immigration reform in January—with a discharge petition.

There are currently 200 representatives who’ve signed on as co-sponsors of H.R. 15, the House immigration bill. All we need is one Democrat gutsy enough to lead and 217 representatives to vote for a discharge petition—that’s just 18 more members than are already co-sponsoring the bill. It’s a simple process that would bypass Speaker Boehner and trigger an up-or-down vote.

We are asking Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, one of the authors of H.R. 15, to pledge to introduce a discharge petition today!

Amos Lim


You can check out Amos’s petition calling on Congresswomen Pelosi here.

Will you join MoveOn member Amos Lim and share this image on Facebook, calling on Nancy Pelosi to start a discharge petition to pass comprehensive immigration reform? 

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