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MoveOn Statement on Jill Stein’s David Duke Moment

What do the former KKK grand wizard and Vladimir Putin have in common? They’re both Jill Stein fans. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action sounds the alarm on former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke endorsing Green Party candidate Jill Stein for president. With less than three weeks until Election Day, it’s clearer than ever that Stein’s sole goal in staying in this race is to deny Vice President Kamala Harris the White House and help Donald Trump. Earlier this week, the Democratic National Committee drove that point home by releasing ads in key swing states. The campaign targets third-party-curious voters with the message “A vote for Stein is really a vote for Trump.”

“Jill Stein has dined with Vladimir Putin and partnered with Trump’s election-denying legal team, so Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s endorsement is just the latest example of her cozying up to outright racists and autocrats. Their support is further proof that, rather than stand for or with progressives, Stein would actually help usher in Trump’s dangerous Project 2025 agenda,” said Joel Payne, chief communications officer for MoveOn Political Action.

Duke is not the only questionable figure who is a fan of Stein’s. Stein has cultivated a relationship with Russian operatives, including President Vladimir Putin. Stein was supported by Russia in 2016, and the Internet Research Agency, the firm run by a close ally of Putin’s, ran an operation to boost Stein’s online presence and sow discord among Democratic voters. In return, Stein has continued to peddle Russian propaganda and amplify Putin’s talking points on the invasion of Ukraine—claiming that Russia was “provoked.”


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