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WATCH: Lawrence O’Donnell Makes the Progressive Case for Ditching Stein, Voting for Harris


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action highlights a segment from MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, who made the case to third-party-curious voters for ditching Green Party fraud Jill Stein and voting for Vice President Kamala Harris. O’Donnell laid it out plainly: Jill Stein will not win, and a vote for Jill Stein will see Donald Trump take office and realize progressives’ worst fears.

Key highlights below:

“Donald Trump became president of the U.S. thanks to the Electoral College … thanks to Jill Stein. The votes that Stein took from Hillary Clinton in key Electoral College states were enough to help Donald Trump win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. He says he likes Jill Stein because he takes 100% of her votes from the Democratic candidate for president.” 

“Jill Stein is not running against Donald Trump. She is running AGAINST Kamala Harris and FOR Donald Trump.” 

“For Kamala Harris to win, Jill Stein has to be stopped. The only people who can stop her now are voters, and her family has already tried.”

“Jill Stein’s children want no public association with their mother. What would it take for you to turn against your 74-year-old mother if she were running for office? That same son told the New York Times, for her political activities she does not have the support of the family.” 

“Jill Stein does have the support of Donald Trump, who supports her and likes her. She does have the support of Vladimir Putin.” 

“Jill Stein voters are allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good. Jill Stein is ‘perfect’ on the issue they care about, and she will never be in the office she’s running for. It’s easy to be ‘perfect’ when you’re not trying to win more than 1% of the vote.” 

“Jill Stein will never matter.” 

“A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Donald Trump and mass deportations. If Donald Trump becomes president and Stein voters are watching millions of people and their friends getting deported from this country, we’ll know Jill Stein voters are to blame for what Trump is doing to them. They’ll know it is happening thanks to Jill Stein.” 


In 2016, Stein’s vote totals in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin alone were enough to sink Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and now the stakes are even higher.

Instead of standing with progressives, Stein has continued to willfully collude with Republicans, autocrats, and outright racists to usher in Trump’s dangerous Project 2025 agenda. Just last week, Stein earned the endorsement of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Stein has defended white supremacists and January 6 insurrectionists. She’s funded, supported, and co-opted by extremist Trump MAGA loyalists. Stein is telling us who she really is and proving that any vote for a third-party spoiler is really just a vote for Trump.


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